Citizen’s Beta Preview

Clam Island
2 min readAug 25, 2021


Ahoy there Clam Island visitors, citizens and dreamers!

From Monday, 30 August 2021 we are starting the Citizen’s Beta Preview. All Citizens can try out our platform on testnet before it goes live!

The whole ecosystem with all it’s tweaks will be tested on testnet — yes that means with no real financial consequences. In a way beta testers are getting a head start in our ecosystem.

If you are not a Clam Island citizen, lucky for you we have what is probably the world’s easiest citizenship application process. Just join the #citizen-recruit channel on our Discord and let us know that you want to test out the platform! You will then get access to the #citizen-beta-preview channel. More information on our Citizenship program here.

A quick project update

As our product is about ready, we had the option of deploying the whole ecosystem to mainnet to make our soft deadline, but we have chosen not to in order to be safe. Here is why:

We received the preliminary audit report, which indicated that only minor issues have been found. These have already been fixed by our developer team. But every audit has its limits and audited projects still can get exploited. As the Clam Island smart contracts have a lot of custom code with interaction between different elements and new ways of calculating things like reward boosts, we feel a simulated community test will be the best way to iron out any final bugs before launch. Additionally we are getting our smart contracts audited by another well known auditor, that is able to deliver the audit in less than a week.

Clam Island is a gamified yield farming platform that uses the power of interactive NFTs to make blockchain investing fun and accessible to everyone. We have built something unique, and we invite you to join the Citizen Beta Preview to try it out and get a taste of the Clam Island experience.

This weekend we will publish another medium article on how the Citizen’s Beta Preview will be conducted. Stay tuned!

💬 Join the Clam Island Squad!



Clam Island

Gamified Yield Farming + NFT on Binance Smart Chain. Earn, collect and trade on Clam Island