Citizen’s Beta Preview Launch

Clam Island
3 min readAug 29, 2021

Tomorrow 30 August 2021 the Citizen’s Beta Preview is going to launch on testnet. Get a head start and try out the Clam Island ecosystem!

Our aim is to iron out any bugs left that are found in the Citizen’s Beta Preview. Your contributions help us speed up the way to our launch. And with each issue submitted via the Form linked below, you will get points in our Citizens Reward Program. This will increase your chance to win a Maxima Clam NFT.

How to participate?

  1. Join the #citizen-recruit channel on Discord
    and let us know that you want to test out the platform! You will then get access to the #citizen-beta-preview channel.
  2. Connect to Binance Smart Chain testnet
    Add a new network to your MetaMask Wallet:
    Network Name: BSC — Testnet
    New RPC URL:
    ChainID: 97
    Symbol: BNB
    Block Explorer URL:
  3. Get some testnet BNB
    Go to, type in your wallet address and get some testnet BNB to play with.
  4. Post your wallet address in our discord channel
    If you want to keep your address anonymous, you can use a new address and send it to one of the team members via DM on discord. We will send testnet $GEM and $SHELL tokens to your provided wallet address, which will then allow you to participate in the beta.
  5. Post any bugs, errors or front end issues you found:
    This will help us iron out any last bugs and ultimately speed up our way to launch. Thank you for your contribution!
    Submit issue form:
    (This requires you to be logged-in to your Google account, but your e-mail-address will not be shared with us.)

Each beta tester will receive the following amount of tokens to test our platform with:

  • 1640 $GEM (enough to buy 10 Clams, use them to produce Pearls, and then have 40 $GEM left)
  • 10 $SHELL

Initial farming pools available on testnet will be $GEM single asset and $SHELL single asset only. Testnet $GEM-BNB and $SHELL-BNB pools will be added later in the Beta. There will be no non-native pools in the Beta, but they will be available on mainnet when we launch.

Parameters for the Beta Test

As this is a beta test, to make things easier, we are putting everything on a smaller scale but with accelerated events. The adjusted parameters will be:

Pearl production time = 1–5 hours (instead of 1–5 days)

Clam incubation time = 1 hour (instead of 48 hours)
(this is the time it takes before a Clam can be staked to produce pearls or harvested for $SHELL)

Clams available for purchase = 250 every two days (instead of 2,500 every week)

available Clams reduction = 5 every two days (instead of 50 every week)

Starting price for Clams = 150 $GEM (same as launch)

cost to produce Pearl = 10 $GEM (same as launch)

change of Pearl traits available to burn for yield = every hour (instead of every week)

Initial harvestable amount for Clams = 1 $SHELL (same as launch)

Additional harvestable amount for Clams per Pearl produced = 0.1 $SHELL (same as launch)

$GEM dummy price = $1 (fixed for beta frontend APR calculations)

$GEM emission = 0.3 per block

Important things to note for the beta

  1. Testnet NFTs and tokens are not real and have no value. They are just that — for testing purposes only. Your participation may earn you real NFTs through our Citizens Reward Program though!
  2. For the purposes of testing we have deployed a basic pesudo-random RNG oracle on test net. This will mean that everyone that mints a Clam or a Pearl within the same block will get the exact same Clam / Pearl. That is, of course, not the case on mainnet.
  3. To fully test the system we encourage you to use as many features of our platform as possible. Here’s a brief overview of all the different things you can do on Clam Island.

For the latest updates, please follow our Twitter, Telegram and Discord.



Clam Island

Gamified Yield Farming + NFT on Binance Smart Chain. Earn, collect and trade on Clam Island