Pearl Hunt Event Claim Portal
Ahoy there, Pearl Hunters! It’s certainly been quite a month. We hope you enjoyed Pearl Hunting on Clam Island! By the way, you can still check out our Halloween decoration on our home page for a couple of days before we take them down. They just look too good to not share!
Anyway, now that October is over, it’s time to start showing off your Pearls.
You can enter your Pearls into the Pearl Hunt Portal at
Rules for entry and selection of winners are published here.
To enter, you will need:
- An eligible Pearl — meaning a Pearl that has a round shape and a black or white body colour; and
- A Telegram handle.
Your Pearl will not be deposited anywhere, nor will it be lost if you don’t win the Pearl Hunt. The Pearl Hunt portal only verifies that the selected Pearl that you have in your Saferoom matches the required traits.
You will also need to submit your Telegram handle to enter the Pearl into the Pearl Hunt event. Your submitted Telegram handle will be encrypted and stored on-chain for the purposes of verifying the winner. If you are the winner, you will need to contact us from the exact Telegram handle as submitted.
This is very important — please note that we do not store, and will be unable to check, the Telegram handle that you submit before it gets encrypted. The only thing we can verify is if the encrypted key for the submitted Telegram handle matches the encrypted key for the Telegram handle from which you contact us. If you make a typographical error when submitting your Telegram handle, we will NOT be able to assist or to make any exceptions.
Our Pearl Hunt portal will be open for entry until UTC 23:59pm on Thursday, 11 November 2021. After that, a winner will be selected based on criteria as published here. Once the winner is selected, we will publish an announcement that identifies the specific winning Pearl and the wallet address of the owner. At that point, the winner will have one week to reach out to us from the submitted Telegram handle to claim the prize. If this deadline is missed, then the prize is forfeited and the runner-up will be contacted to claim the prize instead, according to the traits of the runner-up Pearl.
After the prize is claimed by the winner with a specific necklace selected, we will publish the selection and the winner’s Telegram handle in a further announcement. If you prefer not to have your Telegram handle published, please let us know when reaching out.
As always, please follow our Twitter, Telegram and Discord for the latest updates.